Welcome to Year 5
We would like to take this opportunity to welcome you and your child to Year 5. This webpage is designed to give you an overview of what we will be doing and some of the ways that you can help your child to succeed.
The Year 5 Team
Year 5 will be taught by Miss Titlow, Mrs McCartney and Mrs Jones. If you have any queries or need any assistance please do not hesitate to contact us. You can leave messages for us at the school office, send a Class Dojo message or talk to us at home time.
Useful Information
PE Kits: PE takes place on twice each week. PE kit's should be in school at all times, we will send them home to be washed at half term. Kits and trainerss should be named. Details of all kit and uniform is on the website.
Reading: Reading books will be sent out on Mondays and Fridays. Please ensure that they read at home at least 3 times each week and their reading diaries are signed to reflect this. Please ensure that books are in school every day so that the children can read with adults.
Homework: Times tables should be learnt throughtout the week and books returned to school on Friday.
Independence: From the very start of the year, we will be encouraging the children to be more independent and take responsibility for their learning and actions. The pace of learning will accelerate and your child will be expected to “take control” of their learning by recognising what they need to do to improve - in some cases this may mean additional work.
Please see below to see what we are learning in class.
We hope that you will find this information helpful. If you require any further information please contact us.