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Welcome to Year 2

Welcome to our Year 2 class page. 

The Year 2 Team

Year 2 is taught by Mrs Arkwright, Mrs Latimer and Mrs Pennington.  If you have any queries or need any assistance please do not hesitate to contact us.  You can leave messages for us at the school office or on Class Dojo, talk to us at home time and you can also write in your child’s reading diary.

Useful Information

PE Kits: PE will be taught on Wednesday and Friday.  PE kits should be sent to school as soon as possible and we will send them home to be washed at half term.  Kits and trainers should be named.  Details of all kit and uniform is on the website.  Children may take part in extra PE sessions or they may happen on a different day so it is important that PE kits are avaible at all times.

Reading: Year 2 children are expected to read AT LEAST 3 times each week and will need their planners signed by an adult. Please write what page your child is up to and also if they have finished the book. Library books will be changed on a Monday and school reading books will be given out on a Thursday to be returned to school on the following Monday. 

Reading Diaries are required in school every day. 

Outdoor Coat: Please ensure your child has a warm and preferably waterproof coat to wear at break and lunchtimes.


Planning and Expectations

Please click below to see our planning and expectations: 

Long term overview Year 2

End of year expectations Year 2




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