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Welcome to Year 1

Welcome to our Year 1 class page. This webpage is full of useful information and reminders about school and your child.

The Year 1 Team

Year 1 is taught by Miss Smitham, Mrs Davies and Mrs Walmsley.  If you have any queries or need any assistance please do not hesitate to contact us - you can leave messages for us at the school office or on Class Dojo or talk to us at home time.

Useful Information:


Children may use a book bag or a draw string bag. No rucksacks please.

Reading books

School reading books go home on Friday and need to be returned to school on Wednesday. Children can also take home a library book as additional reading at home - these are avialable outside the classroom at hometime.

PE kits

PE kits must stay in school throughout each half term. Details of all kit and uniform is on the website. PE Kits must be in a drawstring bag.



Planning and Expectations

Please click below to see our planning and expectations

Long term plan Y1

End of year expectations Y1

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